Extended Timeline Wiki

General Information[]

Bagirmi Bagirmi, at its start, is a Fetishist Fetishist Culture Bilala Tribal government despotic tribe located in the Kanem area, Sahel region of the Africa continent. The tribe will emerge from Sunni Islam Sunni Yao Yao in 1522, gaining core cores, bordering Sunni Islam Sunni Yao north and Kanem Bornu Kanem Bornu west and uncolonized native land in every other direction.

Bagirmi will be annexed by the Colonial nation colonial nation (Catholicism Catholic Modern France Modern France) Catholicism Catholic French Equatorial Africa in 1901, keeping core cores till August 11, 1960 and will never appear on-map again.

Called "Bagirmi" on-file

See also: Yao Yao, France France, Chad Chad
