Extended Timeline Wiki

General Information[]

Kiche Kiche, at its start, is a religiously Mesoamerican Mayan Culture Highland Mayan Tribal government despotic tribe located in the Guatemala area, Central America region and subcontinent of the North America continent. The tribe emerges from Mesoamerican Mayan Kaminaljuyu Kaminaljuyu in 1194, gaining core cores, bordering fellow Mesoamerican Mayan Tzotzil Tzotzil and Itza Itza north and Kaqchikel Kaqchikel east, Nahuatl Nahuatl Zapotec Zapotec west and the waters of the Gulf of Tehuantepec (Gulf of Panama area, Pacific South America region) south.

Kiche will be annexed by the Colonial nation colonial nation (Catholicism Catholic Spain Spain) Catholicism Catholic New Spain in 1524, keeping core cores and never appearing on-map again.

Called "Kiche" on-file

See also: Spain, Guatemala, Maya, Calakmul, Copan, Palenque, Itza, Mixtec, Tikal, Teotihuacan, Totonac, Tlapanec, Zapotec


First, focus on conquering the other Mayan states so you can form Maya Maya, then you can focus on reforming the Mayan religion. Do whatever you can to pass reforms as quickly as you can. The advantage of the Mayans over the Central Americans is that the Mayan religion has no Doomsday; so that's one less problem for you. Just focus on crushing the Central American countries and Mayan vassals that try to revolt against you. The most important reform is the Colonist one, especially if you start at a date earlier than 1444. Having as much of the Americas colonized before the Europeans show up is your top priority after reforming the Mayan religion.
