Extended Timeline Wiki

General Information[]

Mozaffarid Mozaffarid is an Iranian horde that is playable from 1335 to 1393, where it is annexed by Timurids Timurids.

See also: Ilkhanate Ilkhanate, Timurids Timurids

Horde Ideas and Traditions[]


  1. -10% Aggressive Expansion Impact
  2. -5 Years of Separatism


  1. Life of the Steppe Warrior: -20% Land Attrition
  2. Traditions of the Great Khan: +20% Cavalry Combat Ability
  3. Horse Supplies: -10% Land Maintenance Modifier
  4. Steppe Leaders: +1 Land Leader Shock
  5. Tradition of Conquest: -25% Core-Creation Cost
  6. Logistics of the Khan: +20% Manpower Recovery Speed
  7. Glory of Conquest: +25% National Manpower Modifier


  1. -10% Stability Cost Modifier