Extended Timeline Wiki

Rome Rome, also known as The Roman Empire, is economically and militarily the strongest country in the first centuries of the timeline. It is playable at all start dates between 2 and 395. The Roman Empire is located in Western and Eastern Europe, North Africa and part of the Middle East. The country borders its rival, Parthia Parthia, in the east, minor African tribes at the south, and mostly barbaric German tribes in the north.

The Romans at the 2 A.D. start begin with 8 vassals: Mauretania Mauretania, Odrysia Odrysia, Cappadocia Cappadocia, Pontus Pontus, Bosporus Bosporus, Iberia Iberia, Judea Judea, and Corduene Corduene.

Despite being the most powerful nation in the world at that time, they aren't by any means invincible. If the player isn't careful enough, the Roman Empire will fall. To ensure that an empire of that size doesn't fall due to religious intolerance or nationalism. In the first two centuries, Celtiberian and Gallic from the Celtic culture group are accepted, as well as Greek, Illyrian and Roman from the Byzantine culture group are accepted cultures at the start.

See also: Byzantium Byzantium, West Rome West Rome, Gallia Gallia, Egypt (ancient) Egypt, Parthia Parthia, Pictland Pictland, Dacia Dacia, Huns Huns, Sassanid Sassanid, Italy Italy, Soissons Soissons



It's strongly advisable to play the Rome The Roman Empire at the year 116, at its height according to the mod. Despite all the debuffs Rome gets, Rome is still very powerful militarily (number one in fact) and the largest nation at that time, with nothing serious to worry about. The only exception to this is Rome's one weakness: Stability stability. Whatever you do, never get Stability negative stability or else...

Roman-Parthian War

The Roman Empire is considered an interesting choice during this period. The player should be careful for the Parthia Parthian military force which is powerful due to its Cavalry cavalry.


Ignore the rise of Christianity. Focus your missionaries on the various pagan religions to Religion hellenism Hellenism until mid-late 300's AD. This will maintain your religious unity and pave the way for the rise of Christianity. Once Religion chalcedonism Chalcedonian begins to spread on its own at a quicker pace, you might want to consider converting and spreading the new faith over Religion hellenism Hellenic territory as quickly as possible as your territories will be unhappy with the change. Convert to Religion chalcedonism Chalcedonian when you have plenty of Administrative monarch power administration points, max Stability stability, and happiness in the realm.


Spread Roman culture as close to Italy as possible with the intent of solidifying the Roman borders around Italy in case the Barbarian technology group Barbarian horde broke through the provinces. It can also be used as a tool to eliminate nationalism in North Africa as the cost of conversion is low. It might even be beneficial to assimilate Britain once the Religion druidism Druidist religion is eliminated as another fall back safeguard. Beware of changing the culture of Egypt (ancient) Egypt, anywhere in the Middle East, and Northern France. It's usually the case that Gallic rebellions can eliminate all the progress you've made in France, and others elsewhere. Also, avoid changing Greek, Illyrian and other accepted cultures, because this will only waste your Diplomatic monarch power diplomatic points.

Barbarian Invasion

At a certain point in the game, after 395, the Germanic Tribes as well as Pictland Pictland and Irish Tribes will declare war on you in mass even if you have an alliance with them. If you defeat them, they will re-declare war shorty after the truce expires. They will receive immense bonuses to military power and will most likely be unstoppable and lead to the historic downfall of the Roman Empire.

The Barbaric Wall

A good strategy to prevent the Barbarian technology group barbarian sack of Rome is to create Germanic Vassal vassal states early in the game covering all of your German borders (from the North Sea to the Black Sea). Sell captured territory or Roman territory itself to your Vassal vassals so that the unvassalized horde has no border with Rome, and they will not attack your German puppets.


Alternatively, focus attention on Germanic tribes exclusively and annex/vassalize all of them before 395. Even if Pictland Pictland and Irish Tribes remain unconquered, they pose little risk to the Empire due to their lack of naval dominance and transportation.

Country Conversion

Another possible strategy is to initiate a cultural shift as to form an entirely new country, as the barbarian tribes can only invade Rome, Western Rome or the Byzantine Empire. After the Barbarian Invasion, it should be fairly easy to claim both the Mashriq Region and the British Isles necessary to restore the Empire afterward.

Three more or less easy-to-form country are possible, with some others that are more difficult even : these three are the country of Egypt (ancient) Egypt, Spain Spain (after adm tech 10) and France France.

Since Rome Rome possesses most of the kemetic egyptian provinces, it is fairly easy to initate a cultural shift after displacing some states and forming kemetic Egypt (ancient) Egypt.

France and Spain Spain are a little more difficult to form, as it is necessary to switch to Basque culture beforehand; if you haven't annexed Vasconia Vasconia, you possess only one Basque province. However, being able to switch to Basque to form France France or Spain Spain give you the incredible bonuses their starting ideas provides, in the case of Spain Spain, and in the case of France France, their extremely powerful morale boost after the third idea group completed, both of which will be coupled with the Roman Empire government type, already adding 10% land morale bonus.

Other formable nations for Rome include:

  • Israel Israel (necessitate a religious shift to Religion judaism Judaism)
  • Assyria Assyria or Babylon Babylon if Rome controls the Mashriq and switches to either assyrian or babylonian culture

Rebels and Unrest

Avoid Overextension over-extension at all costs - you've got time, expand slowly. Increase Autonomy autonomy whenever necessary. A lower income is favorable to rebels.


The relatively Manpower low manpower but strong economy of the Roman Empire suggest the use of Available mercenaries mercenaries. Replace all standard infantry with Available mercenaries mercenaries, therefore preserving your Manpower manpower. Use normal Cavalry cavalry for cost-saving. The Manpower manpower will only be used to replace Cavalry cavalry losses; the costs are usually manageable.


Reform Religion hellenism Hellenism (before 380)


  • Administrative technology Administrative Tech at least 9
  • Administrative monarch power Administrative Power at least 50
  • Own at least 20 provinces in the Chalcedonism Christian religious group.

Upon Enactment:

  • Lose Administrative monarch power 50 Administrative Power
  • Gain country modifier Reformed Clergy until the end of the game.
    • +10% Stability Stability Cost Modifier
    • +1% Missionary strength Missionary Strength
    • +1 Tolerance of the true faith Tolerance of the True Faith
    • -2 Tolerance of heathens Tolerance of Heathens

End Pax Romana


  • Has modifier Pax Romana
  • Does not have modifier Empire Collapsing

Upon enactment:

  • Removes Pax Romana modifier
  • Lose Stability 2 Stability
  • If does not have modifiers: Empire Destabilized, Empire Declining, Empire Fragmenting, Empire Collapsing, or Total Collapse.
  • Receive Empire Destabilized modifier
    • If have Empire Destabilized modifier, then receive Empire Declining modifier
    • If have Empire Declining modifier, then receive Empire Fragmenting modifier
    • If have Empire Fragmenting modifier, then receive Empire Collapsing modifier
    • If have Empire Collapsing modifier, then receive Total Collapse modifier

Declare Pax Romana


  • Has Stability Stability at Least 1
  • Is at Peace
  • Number of Revolts is less than 1
  • War exhaustion War Exhaustion is less than 2
  • Does not have modifier:
    • Pax Romana
    • Total Collapse

Upon enactment:

  • Adds Pax Romana modifier
  • Adds Country Restabilized modifier for 5 Years
  • If have Empire Destabilized modifier, Remove Empire Destabilized modifier
  • If have Empire Declining modifier, Remove Empire Declining modifier, Receives Empire Destabilized modifier
  • If have Empire Fragmenting modifier, Remove Empire Fragmenting modifier, Receives Empire Declining modifier
  • If have Empire Collapsing modifier, Remove Empire Collapsing modifier, Receives Empire Fragmenting modifier

Technology Reform


  • Have Roman technology group Roman technology group.
  • Is at Peace
  • Has Stability Stability at Least 2
  • Administrative technology Administrative technology at least 46
  • Administrative monarch power 100 Administrative power

Upon Enactment:

  • Lose Administrative monarch power 100 Administrative Power
  • Lose Stability 2 Stability
  • Technology group is changed to Eastern technology group "Eastern"
  • Unit types are changed to Eastern technology group "Eastern"

Government Reform


  • Has the government Monarchy "Roman Empire" (government at start)
  • Is at peace
  • Has Stability Stability at least 1
  • Administrative technology Administrative technology at least 12
  • Administrative monarch power 200 Administrative power
  • Imperials’ faction Imperial faction is in power

Upon Enactment:

  • Lose Administrative monarch power 200 Administrative Power
  • Lose Stability 1 Stability
  • Government type is changed to Monarchy "Despotic Monarchy"

Division of Rome


  • Owns: Roma, Constantinople
  • At peace

Upon Enactment:

  • Gain Stability 1 Stability
  • Gain Administrative monarch power 50 Administrative Power
  • Gain Diplomatic monarch power 50 Diplomatic Power
  • Gain Military monarch power 50 Military Power
  • Rome splits into:

Mend The Great Schism


Upon Enactment:

  • Gain 25 28px-PrestigePrestige
  • Gains Schism Mender Flag

Ban Christianity

The AI will never pass this decision.

Upon enactment:

  • Lose Administrative monarch power 50 Administrative Power
  • Gain "Christianity banned" until decision Legalize Christianity is taken:
    • Missionary strength +2% Missionary Strength
    • Global unrest +1 National Unrest
    • Tolerance of heathens -2 Tolerance of Heathens

Legalize Christianity

AI will always pass this decisions

  • Has banned Christianity
  • Administrative monarch power Administrative Power at least 50

Upon enactment:

  • Lose Administrative monarch power 50 Administrative Power
  • Lose country modifier "Christianity banned"

Restore the Rome Roman Empire


  • Is in the Christian or Hellenistic (Greco-Roman) religious group
  • Is not:
  • Rome Rome does not exist
  • Is not a Steppe nomads nomad nation
  • Is not a Vassal subject nation
  • At Peace
  • Owns the following regions: Italy, France, Iberia, Balkans, Anatolia, Mashriq
  • Owns Core Provinces: Fez, Tunis, Cairo, London, Yorkshire, Zeeland, Vienna

Upon Enactment:

  • Country changes to Rome Rome
  • Primary culture changes to Roman
  • Culture of all provinces of former primary culture is changed to Roman
  • Trigger country event "New Traditions & Ambitions"
  • Capital Capital moves to Rome
    • Gain core on Rome
  • Set government rank to Empire Empire
  • All owned provinces are removed from the Holy Roman Empire Holy Roman Empire.
  • Gain 28px-Prestige50 Prestige.
  • Gain country modifier Increased Centralization for 20 years:
    • -0.05 28px-Autonomy Monthly Autonomy Change
    • +1 28px-National unrest National Unrest

Roman Ideas and Traditions


  1. +10% Infantry Combat Ability


  1. Flexible Recruiting: +20% Manpower Recovery Speed
  2. Skilled Commanders: +1 Land Leader Maneuver
  3. Scorch the Lands and Poison the Wells: +1 Attrition for Enemies
  4. Latin Islands: +1 Yearly Legitimacy
  5. Peasant Soldiers: +10% National Manpower Modifier & -10% Infantry Cost
  6. Phanariote Traders: +15% Global Trade Power
  7. Phanariote Taxes: +10% National Tax Modifier


  1. -20% Land Maintenance Modifier