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Vajrayana Vajrayana is a Buddhic religion.

If you want to convert a province to this religion using the: change_religion [<province ID>/<Target Country Tag>] [<religion>] command you have use the word vajrayana as the religions name in the afor mentioned command. For example: change_religon 4631 vajrayana. This will change the religion in province 390 to Vajrayana.

 Bonuses []

  • +5.0% Morale of Armies
  • +1.00 Tolerance of Heathens

Mechanics []

Vajrayana Vajrayana is in the buddhic religion group, Theravada Theravada and Mahayana Mahayana are considered heretics. Every other religion will be considered heathens.

Vajrayana Vajrayana does not possesses personal deities.

All buddhic religions poses a karma system very similar to the Muslim piety system. The two ends of the slider should be avoided. for having karma between -25 and 25 you will receive bonuses. If you go over these limits you will have no effect, but if you go over 50 karma or under -50 karma you will be penalized. You gain karma for:

  • Having War Declared on You
  • Honoring Alliances
  • Releasing Vassals
  • Releasing Nations in Peace Deals
  • Returning Cores

You lose Karma for:

  • Starting Wars
  • Taking Provinces in Peace Deals

Over 50 Karma:

  • -2 Diplomatic Reputation

Between -25 & 25 Karma:

  • +5.0% Discipline
  • +1 Diplomatic Reputation

Under -50 Karma:

  • -10.0% Discipline